​​Neighborhood Clifton

Helping the community of Clifton with various projects on Sunday, April 28, 2024.  Download forms for volunteering and work requests here.

Click here for detailed information.  

Corporate WORSHIP

Grace Group 

Bible Study is held on the second and fourth Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m.   Zion Church fellowship hall will be the designated location for these fellowships.  A light meal or snacks will be served prior to each Bible Study.  Come and join us as we study the books of the Bible!!  All are welcome!

Easter Breakfast

The Brotherhood will host their annual Easter breakfast at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 31, 2024.  Biscuits, eggs, sausage, bacon, and fruit salad will be served to all in attendance.  Please join in the wonderful fellowship!

Easter Morning Worship 

We will celebrate our Risen Savior at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, March 31, 2024.  Please join us on Resurrection Sunday!


Maunday Thursday Worship

This  communion worship service will be held at 7:00 p.m. on  Thursday, March 28, 2024.  All are invited.

Ash Wednesday Worship

The Ash Wednesday worship service will be held at 7:00 p.m. on  Wednesday, February 14, 2024.  Worshipers will have the opportunity to participate in the tradition of the imposition of ashes on our foreheads.  All are invited.  Pancakes will be served prior to the worship service from 5:30 until 6:45 p.m.

Upcoming Events

Sausage Supper

Tickets will be on sale for our annual Sausage Supper beginning November 1 of each year.  The Sausage Supper is held annually on the Saturday following Thanksgiving.  This year's event will be on November 23, 2024.   Please call (254) 675-3416 or (254) 675-3599 for additional information.

We're not just another church, we're a family!


Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service

We will have a service Tuesday, December 24 at 6:00 pm. We welcome you to come join us as we remember the birth our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Sunday School begins at 9:00am in the fellowship hall. For info about our Sunday school please visit the Ministries tab. 

We have been blessed with a rich history that we get to celebrate. For more info please visit our history tab.

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We hold multiple events every year, please visit our event tab for more info. 

Corporate worship begins at 10:15 in the sanctuary.


We will celebrate Advent starting on December 1, 2024.